Cambria County Library Technology


3rd Floor Computers

The 3rd floor of the library offers 24 computers for use, as well as 2 computers with special adaptive equipment. Patrons may be able to borrow headsets, or purchase them for $3. Patrons are strongly encouraged to bring their own headsets, flashdrives, and any other equipment as needed. A library card is required for Cambria County residents to use computer equipment. Non-residents may request a guest pass to use computers at the library. Our full Acceptable Computer Use/WIFI Use policy is available here.

Computers on the Children’s Floor

The computers on the Children’s floor are restricted to Juvenile and YA Library Card holders. These computers include games and other age-appropriate resources.


Wireless internet access is available throughout the David A. Glosser building. To log in, users must accept the library’s Wi-Fi policy.  Click Here to view the Wi-Fi policy.


The library offers 5 microfilm stations for research purposes. Printing costs $0.10 per page, and printing is only available in black and white.

Printing & Copying

Printing is available on the first and third floors of the library.

Black and White pages and Microfilm prints: $0.10 per page

Color Copies $0.25 per page


Remote Printing

Print right from your device with Princh Remote Printing. Enter ID Code #107895 and follow the instructions on the website. Once your documents are uploaded, visit the library’s print kiosk and select your items to print.


Digitizing Equipment

Our staff can assist with digitization of several media formats and can assist patrons in converting cassettes, VHS, and other formats. Please note that the library is unable to convert movies or cassette tapes that are commercially produced.

Cambria County Library has two scanners available to convert personal photographs or photo slides, to digital files in either .jpeg or .tif format. Please email or call 814-536-5131 x212 to request these services. We request that you provide a flash drive, or one can be purchased from the Reference Desk for $8.



The library offers out-going fax service to the public but does not accept incoming faxes for the public. You must request the fax service in person. The fax service ends fifteen minutes before the library closes. Please contact the reference department at 536-5131 x210 for details.

Faxing costs $2.00+ tax for every 5 pages. Cover sheets may be provided upon request.


Scanning is free. Bring your own USB drive to save scanned material, or provide us with an email address and we can email your scans directly to you.


Items up to 8.5 x 11″ can be laminated at a cost of $1 per lamination sheet, plus tag. Lamination can be orderd at the Circulation Desk on the First Floor. Patrons will be called when a lamination is complete.

Borrowing Technology

T-Mobile HotSpot Wi-Fi Rental

The library has T-Mobile Wi-Fi HotSpots available for a per-use processing fee. Patrons can use their library card to place holds on HotSpots from our Online Catalog. Before renting a HotSpot, patrons must sign a borrowing agreement which requires a library card and a state-issued ID to verify name and address. First-time borrowers must pay the processing fee in advance and are limited to a 7-day rental.  HotSpots are provided through generous funding support, including The City Of Johnstown Broadband Development Program.


HotSpot Rental Guidelines:

  • HotSpots may be rented for a minimum of 7 days and a maximum of 28 days.
  • Patrons must be age 18 or older.
  • Patrons must pay a $5 processing fee.
  • There are no refunds for early return of HotSpot devices.
  • HotSpot rental periods cannot be extended.
  • If there are no other patrons waiting for a HotSpot, the patron may check out the HotSpot again.
  • Patrons will be contacted by phone if a HotSpot is available.
  • Patrons have two days to pick up their HotSpot. If a HotSpot is not claimed within that time the hold will be cancelled and the next patron will be notified.
  • A $2 per day late fee will be charged for overdue HotSpots.
  • Wi-Fi service will be turned off on any HotSpot that is more than two days overdue. The late fee will continue to accrue until the HotSpot is returned even if service is suspended.
  • Each HotSpot is labeled with the wireless network name (SSID). A unique password is placed in a zippered pouch along with a charging cord and brochure about the lending program.
  • Patrons are responsible for teh cost of  lost or damaged devices or components.

Chromebooks and Other Devices

Chromebooks and other devices are available to check out from Cambria County Library. These devices may require internet access to use. Chromebooks do not allow patrons to save information on them. Chromebooks and other devices are provided through generous funding support, including The City Of Johnstown Broadband Development Program.


Chromebook Borrowing Guidelines:

  • Chrbomebooks may be rented for 7 days.
  • Patrons must be age 18 or older.
  • A $2 late fee will apply for every day the device is overdue.
  • If there are no other patrons waiting for a device, the patron may check out the device again.
  • Patrons will be contacted by phone if a device is available.
  • Patrons have two days to pick up their item. If a device is not claimed within that time the hold will be cancelled and the next patron will be notified.
  • Service will be turned off two days after an item is due.
  • A current library card in good standing and photo ID are required to check out devices.
  • A Terms and Conditions form must be completed and on file before devices may be borrowed.
  • Users may be charged for lost, stolen, or damaged devices.

Resources & Tools

Reach Us

248 Main Street
Johnstown, PA 15901-1677

(814) 481-8131
Text a Librarian
M-F 10 am - 2 pm


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