Library Policies
Our Mission
The mission of the Ebensburg Cambria Public Library is to inspire lifelong learning, advance knowledge, and strengthen our community.
Getting a Library Card
Register Online for a Library Card
Library cards are free to any resident of Cambria County, and can be used at any of the 14 Cambria County System member libraries.
To apply, users must complete an application and show a current government issued ID that includes the user’s current name, photograph, and address.
PA Residents who do not live in Cambria County may still obtain a Cambria County Library card. Residents who have a current library card from their home library with an ACCESS PA sticker may present their card and valid photo ID at any Cambria County System Library to obtain a Cambria County Library Card.
PA Residents who do not have a home library may pay a non-resident fee to obtain a Cambria County Library System card. Check with your local library for pricing. Residents from unserved areas of Indiana County may obtain a card to access materials at the Cambria County Library, located in Johnstown, at no cost. This arrangement is possible because Indiana County is part of the Johnstown District.
Borrowing Materials
Materials may be borrowed from and returned to any Cambria County Library System member library.
Books from any Cambria County Library System member library will circulate for 2 weeks. Items may be renewed online, at the library, or over the phone. Books may typically be renewed twice. However, if the item is on hold for another patron, it will not be renewable.
Some items are available for different borrowing periods. At Ebensburg Cambria Public Library, these items include DVDs, which circulate for 1 week.
Overdue Fees
Items with a standard two week loan period will result in a $0.25 charge per item, per day overdue. Patrons who owe more than $5 in fines will be prohibited from borrowing materials or using library computers until the fine is paid below $5.
Lost or Damaged Items
Items that are not returned to the library within 90 days will be charged for the cost of the item and a $5 processing fee. Patrons will also be charged replacement and processing fees for items that are returned in a damaged state. The Cambria County System member libraries may work with the local magistrate to recover the cost of lost or damaged items.
Acceptable Internet Use Policy -
Ebensburg Cambria Public Library
Public Access to the Internet Acceptable Use Policy Statement
Ebensburg Cambria Public Library is committed to the promotion of lifelong learning. As part of that commitment, the library will provide free public access to the diverse and unique resources available on the Internet. In accordance with the library’s selection policy, the Internet may not be used for accessing material that is not in the realm of information normally provided by the library.
- Information available through the Internet may be protected by copyrights or trademarks. Transmission of copyrighted or pornographic material in violation of any federal or state regulation is prohibited.
- Patrons should be aware that the Internet contains offensive material. Although library computers utilize filtering software, the library does not warrant the effectiveness of Internet filtering.
- The Internet is a vast worldwide community with no limitations or restrictions. Not all sources on the Internet provide accurate, complete, or current information. The Ebensburg Cambria Public Library is not responsible for any information obtained on the Internet. Use is at the patron’s risk.
- Since the library is a public forum, privacy while using the Internet cannot be provided. Users are also cautioned that all transactions and communication in an electronic environment are vulnerable to unauthorized access.
- Parents and guardians may restrict their children from access to Internet resources available through the library.
- Revealing personal information in open forums such as chat rooms and e-mail can be dangerous. Do not reveal information about yourself or others in these open forums.
- The library provides wireless Internet access on a limited support basis. For further information please see the “Public Wireless Access to the Internet Acceptable Use Policy.”
- Users must have a current library card with any library in Cambria County. Pennsylvania residents living outside of Cambria County may use a valid library card from a Pennsylvania library along with a proper form of ID. Other visitors may use a proper form of ID, on a temporary basis. Users under the age of 18 must have parent/guardian approval to use the Internet, which will require an in-person visit by the parent/guardian. Approval will be indicated on the library card.
- Sign out computers at the circulation desk. The library has the right to assign computers and impose time limits. Patrons may not change workstations unless a problem arises with the computer. Please notify the staff if the computer is not working properly.
- Users, or the person signing for the user, must read the library’s Internet Acceptable Use Policy.
- It is a felony offense in the state of Pennsylvania “to display or cause to display any explicit sexual material…on any…viewing screen in such manner that the display is visible…in any establishment where minors, as part of the general public, may be exposed to view all or any part of such materials.” (Title 18 Penna. Crime Code–Sect. 5903) Therefore, viewing of such material in the library will not be permitted. Violation of this provision may result in the immediate termination of Internet privileges and prosecution.
- Any malicious attempt to harm or destroy data is prohibited. This includes the uploading or creating of computer viruses. Hardware and software may not be modified or destroyed. Users may not turn equipment on or off or change settings.
- Installing personal or downloaded programs is prohibited.
- Saving files to the hard drive is prohibited. Saving to, or accessing files from removable media or personal devices is permitted. Users may use flash drives at their own risk. The library cannot offer technical support when problems occur with such devices.
- Patrons may not use the Internet at the library for any commercial or for-profit purposes.
- Be polite. Use appropriate language online and anytime you visit the library. Do not use the network in a way that disrupts the use of the network by others. This includes but is not limited to downloading large files and streaming audio or video.
- Black and white printouts are $.25 per page. Please pay at the circulation desk. Failure to pay for printouts will lead to immediate termination of library privileges.
- Internet searches must be completed 10 minutes before the library closes.
- Ebensburg Cambria Public Library will offer access to the Internet to children up to 18 years of age. Children under the age of 10 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian when using the Internet. Parent/guardian must read the library’s Internet Acceptable Use Policy and sign a parental consent form.
- Parent/guardian, not the library or its staff, will be responsible for the Internet information selected and/or accessed by their children. Parents or guardians may restrict their children from access to Internet resources available through the library. Parent/guardian is advised to supervise their child’s Internet sessions.
- Time limits may be imposed during busy periods and research projects will take precedence over “fun” use of computers.
- Personal e-mail accounts are available through websites such as Hotmail, Yahoo, etc.
- Library staff is available for a very limited amount of assistance in using the Internet, but they cannot spend large amounts of time guiding patrons through the Internet. Staff cannot provide in-depth training concerning Internet computer jargon or personal computer use, but may be able to offer searching suggestions. If a larger amount of assistance is required, please feel free to bring someone into the library to help you on the computer.
- No more than two people may use an Internet workstation at one time. The patron who signed out the computer is responsible for operating it.
- Gambling, instant messaging and chat rooms are prohibited and may be blocked. Some game sites are also blocked.
- Use of the Internet at the library is a privilege, not a right. Any violation of the library’s Internet policy may result in loss of library privileges and appropriate legal action may be taken.
- Due to the ever-changing nature of these services, this policy is subject to change without notice at the library’s discretion.
Policy approved by the Ebensburg Cambria Public Library Board of Directors on October 13, 2014.
The Childrens Internet Protection Act (CIPA) requires public libraries to address several issues in the Internet Acceptable Use Policy.
The Ebensburg Cambria Public Library addresses these issues as such:
- Access by minors to inappropriate matter on the Internet and World Wide Web
Refer to “General Information” #2 and “Patron Responsibilities” #4
- The safety and security of minors when using electronic mail, chat rooms, and other forms of direct electronic communications
Refer to “General Information” #4 and #6
- Unauthorized access, including so-called ‘hacking’, and other unlawful activities by minors online
Refer to “Patron Responsibilities” #5
- Unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal identification information regarding minors
Refer to “General Information” #6
- Measures designed to restrict minors’ access to materials harmful to minors
Refer to “General Information” #2 and “Patron Responsibilities” #4
Harrassment Policy
201 Non Discrimination and Anti-Harassment
Effective Date: 10/13/2014
- Policy
The Ebensburg Cambria Public Library is committed to providing a work environment that is free of discrimination and harassment and providing equal opportunities for all employees. Therefore, we do not tolerate, permit, or excuse harassment of our employees or retaliation against an employee who reports harassment under any circumstances.
Workplace harassment is characterized by any derogatory, violent, abusive, threatening, or intimidating behavior referencing an individual’s race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, disability, status as a Vietnam-era or other disabled veteran, or other legally protected characteristic. Employee’s engaging in any form of harassment will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
It is a violation of this Policy to discriminate in any aspect of employment, including hiring, promotions, demotions or transfer, layoff or separation from employment, pay, and selection for training.
Federal and state laws prohibit harassment. Harassment is defined as verbal or physical conduct designed to threaten, intimidate or coerce or verbal taunting (including racial and ethnic slurs) which, in the employee’s opinion, impairs his or her ability to perform his or her job.
Examples of workplace harassment include, but are not limited to:
- intentionally making performance of another employee’s job more difficult because of a discriminatory reason.
- severe or extensive use of ethnic slurs and insults or other verbally abusive, threatening, or intimidating behavior.
- physically abusive, threatening, or intimidating behavior based on a discriminatory reason.
Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination and is unlawful under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), sexual harassment is defined as “unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature… when… submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis for employment decisions… or such conduct has the purpose or effect of… creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.” There are two types of sexual harassment. Quid pro quo occurs when submission to harassment is used as the basis for employment decisions. Hostile work environment occurs when the harassment creates an offensive and unpleasant working environment. Same sex harassment is also covered by this Policy.
Sexual harassment can include, but is not limited to the following:
- obvious sexual propositions
- indirect sexual suggestions
- sexually suggestive comments
- name-calling, or slurs
- sexually-oriented teasing or kidding
- sexually-oriented jokes
- obscene gestures or language
- obscene or sexually suggestive pictures or drawings
- physical contact, such as patting, pinching, or touching
- Procedure
Employees who believe that they are being harassed should make it immediately clear to the harasser that they find the behavior offensive and unwelcome and clearly state that they want the offensive conduct to stop at once. Employees should also report incidents of sexual or other harassment promptly to their supervisor and/or the Human Resources Department. Any employee who is found to have maliciously reported a claim or is found to have provided false information relating to a harassment complaint will be terminated.
C. Retaliation
Retaliation for reporting a claim of harassment is strictly prohibited. Employee’s shall suffer no hardship, loss or benefit, and no penalty as punishment for filing or responding to a bona fide complaint of discrimination or harassment; appearing as a witness in the investigation of a complaint; or serving as an investigator.
Acts of retaliation are subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.
D. Confidentiality
Confidentiality will be maintained to the extent possible while allowing the Company to conduct a proper investigation.
Children's Policy
Adopted November 10, 2008 by Ebensburg Cambria Library Board of Trustees
1) Parents, guardians, teachers, and caregivers are responsible for the behavior and supervision of their Children in the Library.
2) A caregiver has great difficulty supervising young children when the caregiver is on a computer. They may be asked to leave the computer if their children become unruly in the Library.
3) Children under the age of 10 must be accompanied by a responsible caregiver while in the Library.
4) Staff may refer to Cambria County Children and Youth Services for those children who are left unattended in the Library and whose basic needs for food, rest, parental supervision and attention are not being fulfilled. An unattended child is a child of any age who is apparently unaccompanied by an adult.
5) If the Library is closing at regular times or in an emergency situation and the parent or guardian of a child cannot be located in the building, the Ebensburg Borough Police may be called.
6) The Library is not responsible for any consequences of parents forfeiting their responsibilities.
WiFi Policy
Ebensburg Cambria Public Library
Wireless Access To The Internet Acceptable Use Policy Statement
Ebensburg Cambria Public Library is committed to the promotion of lifelong learning. As part of that commitment, the Library will provide free public wireless access to the diverse and unique resources available on the internet.
- Information available through the Internet may be protected by copyrights or trademarks. Transmission of copyrighted or pornographic material in violation of any federal or state regulation is prohibited.
- Patrons should be aware that the Internet contains offensive material.
- The Internet is a vast worldwide community with no limitations or restrictions. Not all sources on the Internet provide accurate, complete, or current information. The Ebensburg Cambria Public Library is not responsible for any information obtained on the Internet. Use is at the patron’s risk.
- Since the library is a public forum, privacy while using the Internet cannot be provided. Users are also cautioned that all transactions and communication in an electronic environment are vulnerable to unauthorized access.
- Revealing personal information in open forums such as chat rooms and e-mail can be dangerous. Do not reveal information about yourself or others in these open forums.
- Users of the Library’s wireless network must read the Library’s Wireless Internet Acceptable Use Policy.
- For portable Library owned equipment, users must also read the Library’s Public Access to the Internet Acceptable Use Policy Statement.
- It is a felony offense in the state of Pennsylvania “to display or cause to display any explicit sexual material…on any…viewing screen in such a manner that the display is visible…in any establishment where minors, as part of the general public, may be exposed to view all or any part of such materials.” (Title 18 Penna. Crime Code – Sect. 5903) Therefore, viewing of such material in the Library will not be permitted. Violation of this provision may result in the immediate termination of Internet privileges.
- Users may not plug equipment into the Library’s computer network. Use of electrical receptacles is permitted.
- Users are responsible for knowing how to configure their own equipment. Library staff cannot provide technical support for establishing or maintaining a connection. The Library will not support configurations and cannot be responsible for any changes made to an individual’s computer settings.
- Any malicious attempt to harm or destroy data is prohibited. This includes the uploading or creating of computer viruses.
- If using portable Library owned equipment, any malicious attempt to harm or destroy data is prohibited. This includes the uploading or creating of computer viruses. Hardware and software may not be modified or destroyed. Users may not turn equipment on or off or change settings.
- If using portable Library owned equipment, installing personal or downloaded programs is prohibited.
- If using portable Library owned equipment, saving files to the hard drive is prohibited. Saving to, or accessing files from removable media or personal devices is permitted. Users may use flash drives at their own risk. The Library cannot offer technical support when problems occur with such devices. No Library owned equipment is permitted to leave the library building with any patron, for any reason, at any time.
- Patrons may not use the Internet at the Library for any commercial or for-profit purposes.
- Do not use the network in a way that disrupts the use of the network by others. This includes but is not limited to downloading large files and streaming audio or video.
- Printing is available through the wireless network. All printouts are black and white and are $0.25 per page. Printouts can be picked up and paid for at the circulation desk.
- Personal e-mail accounts are available through websites such as Hotmail, Yahoo, etc.
- Library staff is available for a limited amount of assistance in using the Internet, but they cannot spend large amounts of time guiding patrons through the Internet. Staff cannot provide in-depth training concerning Internet computer jargon or personal computer use, but may be able to offer searching suggestions.
- Use of the Internet at the Library is a privilege, not a right. Any violation of the Library’s Internet policy may result in loss of library privileges and appropriate legal action may be taken. The Library reserves the right to terminate a wireless Internet session at any time.
- Due to the ever-changing nature of these services, this policy is subject to change without notice at the Library’s discretion.
Policy approved by the Ebensburg Cambria Public Library Board of Directors on October 13, 2014.
Sunday: 10 am to 5 pm
Monday: 10 am to 6 pm
Tuesday: 11 am to 7 pm
Wednesday: 10 am to 6 pm
Thursday: 11 am to 7 pm
Friday: 11 am to 5 pm
Saturday: Closed
Available Amenities
Public Computers
Printing, Copying, and Scanning
After Hours Book Drop
Public Restrooms
News & Updates
2025 A to Z Reading Challenge
Read the Alphabet Join the 2025 A to Z Reading Challenge at the Ebensburg Cambria Public Library. Read a book that begins with each letter of the alphabet. Books that begin with the words "a," "an," and "the" do not count. Examples: A= Anne of Green Gables G= A Great...
PA Photos and Docs
Take your local history research to the next level with PA Photos and Docs. The primary focus of PA Photos and Docs are historic, cultural, and other collections of interest to the citizens of Pennsylvania.