Meet Us— Administrative Staff

Ashley N. Flynn

Ashley N. Flynn

Executive Director

Ashley has a B.A. in Creative Writing and a B.A. in English Literature from the University of Pittsburgh, and a Master of Science in Library Science degree from Clarion University. She has previously worked as the District Consultant for the Johnstown District, and has also worked as the director of the Highland Community Library, the Gallitzin Public Library, and the Cresson Public Library. She has served as Chair of HSLC (Hosting Solutions and Library Consulting), and has volunteered on numerous conference planning committees for the Pennsylvania Library Association. She is a graduate of the Pennsylvania Library Association’s Academy of Leadership Studies (PALS) and has written content for the Pennsylvania Library Association’s Bulletin and the Compendium blog. She loves to read, particularly fantasy, young adult, and classics. She also enjoys kayaking, hiking, and baking.



Director of Operations

Over the past twenty years, Leanne has played a variety of roles in libraries, and has also worked in technology and health care administration. She’s thrilled to bring her experience and leadership to CCL’s day-to-day operations. As a huge BookTok and BookTube fan, Leanne loves keeping up with the latest in sci fi/fantasy and YA fiction. When she’s not reading, she enjoys travel, exercising, and good food.



District Consultant

Maria serves the Johnstown District by acting as a resource and liaison between the Office of Commonwealth Libraries and the libraries in the district. The district is made up of 21 libraries from Cambria County, Indiana County, and Somerset County. In her spare time Maria likes to garden, bake, and make crafty gifts for her family and friends.




County Coordinator

Barb serves the county by helping all system libraries with training, research and other tasks. As a librarian, Barb’s favorite part of the job is helping with research through the state-wide Chat with a Librarian system. 




Marketing & Outreach Coordinator

Patty joined the CCL Staff in November 2019. She loves having such a creative and rewarding role—keeping the community informed about all of the amazing services and programs offered at the library. Her goals include growing the library’s community relationships, social media presence and fundraising efforts. She loves music, comedy and shopping thrift stores for vintage treasures.





Admin Support & Outreach

Jim loves books as well as being as helpful as possible, so delivering materials to the 13 system libraries is a perfect fit for him! When he isn’t working, Jim enjoys nearly any outdoor activity whether it be camping, hiking or trail running. To relax, he likes meditation, yoga and spending time with his family and friends. His favorite thing to do, though, is spend time with his cat Tommy!



Administrative Assistant

Joel is a Johnstown native having worked in the downtown area for almost a decade. Coming from backgrounds in office work and customer service, Joel is eager to serve as a member of the administration team. Reading-wise, he enjoys fantasy, especially comic books and manga, and in his spare time, he loves playing video games, doing online content creation, hanging out with his friends, and constantly reminding his dog that he is a very, very good boy.



Barry, a native of Johnstown, has been with CCL for four years, initially in a different role before transitioning to the security team.







Meet Us— Children’s Staff



Children's Supervisor

Leah has worked in the Children’s Department for twelve years, first doing storytimes and children’s programming, and for the past five years as the Children’s Coordinator. Her background is in education with a focus on early literacy. Providing fun and educational library programs, engaging with the community and sharing silly picture books are some of her favorite things to do.
She loves walking, especially on the area’s local trails, and you can often find her changing books at the two local StoryWalks that the library maintains.



Youth Services Assistant

Kristen has a Bachelor’s of Science in Environmental Science with a minor in Geology from the University of Pittsburgh. Kristen has been working with children in education for over 25 years. She provides both in person and virtual programming to children and their families in the Cambria County library as well as providing outreach throughout our community. In her free time Kristen enjoys listening to music, gardening, hiking and kayaking with her husband of 25 years, two daughters and dog Biscuit. She has also been teaching children’s yoga in our area for over 20 years with Yoga by Kristen. You can watch all of Kristen’s Storytime videos on




Library Assistant

Jodi has a B.A. in Liberal Arts with an emphasis in education from San Diego State University. She’s taught children ages preschool through middle school for the past 24 years in classroom settings as well as in summer enrichment programs. She is a lifetime member of Girl Scouts and a troop leader. Jodi enjoys reading children’s books and developing activities to enhance them, hoping to inspire children to become lifelong readers. Her favorite hobbies are crafting, antiquing, hiking and camping with her husband, son, daughter and Luther the Labrador–and reading children’s books, of course!



Library Assistant

After several years of moving across Pennsylvania, Amanda and her family decided to make Johnstown their home in September 2019. When she’s not at the library assisting patrons at the Information Desk, Amanda enjoys puttering around in her pollinator garden, reading historical fiction and Revolutionary era nonfiction, helping people discover their ancestors and serving as a Chapter officer in the Daughters of the American Revolution and U.S. Daughters of 1812.


Library Assistant

Meet Alex! Family focused and possessing a positive outlook on life, she has a deep passion for travel, often seeking out new cultural experiences to broaden her horizons. Alex’s keen interest in learning from these experiences has led to a profound appreciation for diverse perspectives and a greater understanding of the world around her When not traveling, she can be found immersed in a book, watching YouTube videos. Alex has a soft spot for children and takes great joy in working with them as her infectious personality and enthusiasm make them an excellent role model and mentor for young ones. With a heart full of love and a passion for life, Alex strives to become an inspiration to all around her.


Library Assistant

Laryssa is originally from Buffalo, NY. She holds a B.A. in Psychology and a MSEd in School Counseling. In addition to working in the Children’s Department, Laryssa is also a School Counselor at Greater Johnstown Middle School. Laryssa loves working in the Children’s Department and helping families. In her free time, she enjoys reading (of course), gardening, cooking, antiquing, and spending time with her husband and two boys.

Meet Us— Circulation Staff



Circulation Manager

Having worked in libraries for the better part of 20 years, the library is a way of life for Nicole! She loves reading just about anything but science fiction, fantasy, horror and mystery are her favorites. A purring kitty in her lap, a hot cup of tea, a good book and a rainy day is her idea of heaven. Nicole loves checking out books and giving book recommendations!




Annabelle is originally from Yuba City, CA, and has lived in seven different states before settling in Johnstown. They graduated from the University of Maine with a degree in Journalism, specializing in film. Outside of work, Annabelle is a huge fan of video games, Taylor Swift, and horror films. Their favorite book genres include romance, sci-fi, and non-fiction. Annabelle is passionate about helping others and is excited to work with books every day, where they can combine their love for literature with a commitment to making a positive impact.




Mykkie is a Johnstown native who has been coming to the Cambria County Library her entire life. After 8 years of retail customer service experience she’s excited to join the Circulation Department! In her spare time she enjoys digital art, photography, video games, TV, cosplay, and reading. Her favorite genres to read include romance, fantasy, horror, and comics. She loves helping people and spending her day surrounded by books.



Interlibrary Loan

Vicki has been part of the CCL team since 2018 and is originally from Lancaster, PA. She enjoys working in interlibrary loan, shipping and receiving books from all over the country! She is currently pursuing a library science degree from Clarion University and can’t wait to join the ranks as a full-fledged librarian. Vicki also serves on the board of trustees at the Windber Public Library. In her free time, she enjoys lounging in the hammock with a good book and playing board games with her family. She also loves the ocean, camping and traveling to new places.

Meet Us— Maintenance Staff



Maintenance Supervisor

Steve joined the CCL staff in August 2020 to oversee the daily maintenance of the library. Having a curious mind Steve will read almost anything nonfiction. His interests include magic, variety entertainment, woodworking and hiking.





Chris loves to cook, with lasagna being his favorite dish. He enjoys walking, listening to country music, and reading—especially Stephen King novels and biographies about musicians.

Born and raised in Johnstown, Chris is proud to work at the library and loves being part of the team and the community





Joe likes working at the Cambria County Library, where he’s worked for 21 years. He also works at Grandview Cemetery. He enjoys going to sporting events and watching movies.


Meet Us— Reference Staff



Reference Supervisor

Joyce’s duties include working with our area’s teens as well as assisting patrons with genealogy and local history. She is the former Executive Director of the Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania, and holds a Master’s in Library and Information Science from Drexel University. In her spare time, she loves to read, screenprint, do yoga, climb her and others’ family trees and listen to her teens read their MadLibs during the library’s Open Mic Night. 



Reference Librarian

After serving public libraries in different roles for over fifteen years in four states, in Spring 2022 Ryan was hired as the Manager of Inclined to Read bookstore at the Library. A few months later, he also became the Library’s first Digital Literacy Navigator, as part of a pilot grant project offering free computer workshops to residents across Cambria County. Ryan enjoys reading, cooking, art, movies, photography, and travel.



Reference Librarian

Aria holds a Master’s in Library and Information Science from Pennsylvania Western University.  Along with working in the reference department, she also works with the teens.  She is excited to help patrons, plan programs, and learn about the community through her work.  In her free time, she enjoys playing with her cats, painting, and playing board or video games.



Reference Department

With four years of customer service experience, Jen joined the Cambria County Library team in 2022 and works at the information desk on the third floor. This being her first experience working in a library, she is excited to work with staff and patrons alike, and see the library and the community grow. She enjoys spending time with her two cats, reading manga, and drinking iced coffee.



Reference Department

Richard worked for the United States Postal Service for 35 years before retiring in 2014. Being a lifelong reader and library patron, he applied for a library position and began working at CCL’s third floor Information Desk in 2016. He considers it a privilege to be the book selector and facilitator of the “Books On Tap” book discussion group.


Meet Us— Technical Services Staff



Technical Services Department Head

Jenny is in charge of receiving and cataloging all of the library’s books, music and movies and getting them ready for circulation. She studied Library Science at Clarion University and has been with the Cambria County Library since 2002. In her spare time she enjoys reading and knitting.



Technical Services

Judy has worked at the Cambria County Library since 2011. She likes processing, cataloging and covering books and this is a good role for her because she loves getting to see all of the new books first! Audiobooks are her favorite books to process. She likes reading books by V.C. Andrews. When she is not at work, she is either caring for her two cats or two children.

Meet Us— Board of Directors

Alan R. Metzler P.E.

Alan R. Metzler P.E.

Board President

Alan is a strong supporter of the Johnstown region. He is retired from being a Plant Manager for NRG Energy Services. He received his B.S. degree from the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. He is a registered Professional Engineer in Pennsylvania. Alan was certified in the MBA Essential Program, University of Pittsburgh, Katz School of Business. He has received several certifications in engineering, safety and finance. He started his career with Penelec and has experience in engineering, mergers & acquisitions, business and strategic planning. He prides himself in the critical role as a promoter of safety at work, at home and on the road.

Alan was first introduced to his library board volunteerism at Richland’s Highland Community Library, and eventually joined the Cambria County Library as well. He currently serves as Board President of the Cambria County System Library, and Secretary of the board of Highland Community Library. 

In addition to Alan’s volunteerism for the Library community, he is also a member of UPJ’s Mechanical Engineering Industrial Advisory Committee, and Chairman of the Board for Utilities Employees Credit Union, headquartered in Reading, PA.

Alan and his wife, Elaine, have been lifelong residents of Johnstown. They have 2 grown children.

Bill Lantzy

Bill Lantzy

Vice President

Bill Lantzy graduated from The Pennsylvania State University with an Associate of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology. He is retired from A/C Power – Colver Operations, where he worked as a Lead Technician. He has previously worked for Bechtel at Hope Creek and Limerick Nuclear Generating Stations.

Bill serves as the Board President of the Northern Cambria Public Library and is a member of the Pennsylvania Library Association. Also serves on the Northern Cambria Planning Commission. 

The Cambria County Library System is a vital service to our community and we are lucky to have the various local libraries, they are the crown jewels of Cambria County.


Marlin Plymette, II

Marlin Plymette, II


Marlin taught junior high mathematics and computer skills for 23 years and worked for 25 years as an instructional designer in the hospitality and automotive industries, and developing training for the military and defense department. He has a B.S in Secondary Education from Bloomsburg State College, M.S in education from Bucknell University, and M.S. in Instructional Technology from Bloomsburg University. He retired from IBM in 2016. He enjoys reading, attending book sales to add to his huge collection, fishing, wood working, assisting the Johnstown United Methodist Parish building handicapped ramps and small construction projects, and serving on property committee at St Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Mundys Corner. Marlin has been a member of the Nanty Glo Public Library Board of Trustees since 2012 and President of the board since 2017.



Geoffrey C. Rumpf

Geoffrey C. Rumpf


Geoff is an Active Duty Marine currently serving in Central Pennsylvania, a Small Business Owner and a lifelong learner (currently earning his MBA with concentrations in Information Systems and Project Management). He plans to continue his education within the realm of flight and then his Doctorate in education.  His passion is developing organizations to their best version of themselves as a Management Consultant.
 Geoff enjoys reading Sci-Fi/Fantasy at a fanatical rate, outdoor activities throughout the Laurel Highlands area, and spending time with his wife and their three children. As a transplant to the area due to the military and a retiring Marine whom is choosing Johnstown, PA as his new home base, he is hoping to continue his service to his new community and hopes to grow his capability to do so exponentially. 
Yamila Audisio

Yamila Audisio


Yamila Audisio has been a resident of Johnstown for many years. A transplant from Argentina, she studied History as Secondary Education and Licenciatura in History at Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto (Argentina), and holds a B.A in history from the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown. Yamila is currently employed at the Center for Metal Arts and is an intern at the Johnstown Flood National Memorial and the Allegheny Portage Railroad National Historic Site. She is passionate about Johnstown’s remarkable industrial past and loves reading about it.

Reverend Sylvia J. King

Reverend Sylvia J. King


​In 1995, Reverend King, answered the call into the ministry and became an Ordained Elder with the African Methodist Episcopal Church. During her studies through the AME Church she became involved in Prison Ministry. This work exposed her to the many disparities that are present in our society today. Since that time, she has worked extensively with persons who are disenfranchised, displaced, and ostracized in the community.

Reverend King’s ministry is that of a community servant. One who has been called by God to fulfill the dictates found in the 25th chapter of Matthew, verses 35- 40. Her motto is: give favor and expect nothing in return. Which is the paraphrase of Matthew 25:40, Inasmuch as you have done it to the least of these, you have done it unto me.

This passion and commitment have led her to involvement in various community organization throughout Cambria County. Currently, Rev. King is involved with the following boards:

JARI Growth Fund, Vision Together 2025, Community foundation for the Alleghenies, United Neighborhood Association, and the Flood City Youth Academy.

Rev. King is employed by Ameriserv Financial as a Community Development Officer, she is a member of Johnstown City Council, and Pastor of Christ Centered Community Church.

Rev. King has one son Brandon (Jessica) and one grandson Brandon Jr.

Heidi Neibauer

Heidi Neibauer


Heidi Niebauer (she/they) is a Regional Housing Coordinator with Inglis Self Determination Housing of Pennsylvania, working at the intersection of housing and disability. Heidi has worked since 2005 in social services in many sectors, including mental health, developmental disabilities, youth and families, reentry, secondary and elementary education, and workforce development. Through all of this, Heidi has learned to bring professional and personal expertise to systems-level work. Heidi’s passion for community informs all that she does, including supporting individuals through transformative change by encouraging radical self-acceptance and compassion.

Heidi believes we all have a place and encourages everyone to identify our strengths and manifest our unique gifts. Her hope is that we all have the opportunity to discover our own path and speak our truth to a world that is hurting. Heidi has been a lifelong fan of libraries, as books and libraries opened up a world that Heidi would have never had the opportunity to explore. Heidi is honored to be a part of the Board of Trustees for the library, a robust, and inclusive community asset!

Abby Jo Panek, Esquire

Abby Jo Panek, Esquire


Born and raised in the Johnstown area, Abby attended the Westmont Hilltop School District, graduating in 2014. Following high school, she attended the Indiana University of Pennsylvania Cook Honors College and pursued a B.A. in Philosophy. She then moved on to the Duquesne University School of Law, earning her Juris Doctorate in 2021.

Abby worked in Indiana County as a judicial law clerk to the Honorable Micheal T. Clark for nearly two years before moving back to the Johnstown area. She is currently employed with Silverman, Tokarsky & Forman, LLC, where she practices primarily family law. When not in Court, she enjoys watching hockey, attending concerts, and spending time with her husband and three cats. She is passionate about Johnstown’s vibrant cultural history and aiding the underserved community.

Cathy Torok

Cathy Torok


Cathy is a lifelong resident of Johnstown. She is the Chief Information Officer at AmeriServ Financial. She has a B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown and an M.Ed. in Professional Studies in Education from the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. She holds certifications in information security and communications design. She is involved with the Penn Highlands local chapter
of the ISC2, a cybersecurity professional organization. Cathy is passionate about  Johnstown’s history and gardening and loves to read. She enjoys researching her family’s ancestry.

Resources & Tools

Reach Us

248 Main Street
Johnstown, PA 15901-1677

(814) 481-8131
Text a Librarian
M-F 10 am - 2 pm


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