Library Policies
Our Mission
Northern Cambria Public Library will be a recreational, informational and educational center for the Borough of Northern Cambria and several surrounding townships with access to our resources. It is the vision of Northern Cambria Public Library to use technology to broaden those resources offered through excellent customer service to our patrons and to provide access in a user friendly way.
Getting a Library Card
Register Online for a Library Card
Library cards are free to any resident of Cambria County, and can be used at any of the 14 Cambria County System member libraries.
To apply, users must complete an application and show a current government issued ID that includes the user’s current name, photograph, and address.
PA Residents who do not live in Cambria County may still obtain a Cambria County Library card. Residents who have a current library card from their home library with an ACCESS PA sticker may present their card and valid photo ID at any Cambria County System Library to obtain a Cambria County Library Card.
PA Residents who do not have a home library may pay a non-resident fee to obtain a Cambria County Library System card. Check with your local library for pricing. Residents from unserved areas of Indiana County may obtain a card to access materials at the Cambria County Library, located in Johnstown, at no cost. This arrangement is possible because Indiana County is part of the Johnstown District.
Borrowing Materials
Materials may be borrowed from and returned to any Cambria County Library System member library.
Books from any Cambria County Library System member library will circulate for 2 weeks. Items may be renewed online, at the library, or over the phone. Books may typically be renewed twice. However, if the item is on hold for another patron, it will not be renewable.
Some items are available for different borrowing periods and may include a rental cost. At Northern Cambria Public Library these items include DVDs, which may be borrowed for 1 week.
Overdue Fees
Items with a standard two week loan period will result in a $0.25 charge per item, per day overdue. Patrons who owe more than $5 in fines will be prohibited from borrowing materials or using library computers until the fine is paid below $5.
Lost or Damaged Items
Items that are not returned to the library within 90 days will be charged for the cost of the item and a $5 processing fee. Patrons will also be charged replacement and processing fees for items that are returned in a damaged state. The Cambria County System member libraries may work with the local magistrate to recover the cost of lost or damaged items.
Pandemic Policy
Pandemic Policy
The Northern Cambria Library is committed to provide a clean, safe environment to help in the prevention of spreading respiratory illnesses like coronavirus disease.
Prevention guidelines for library staff:
- Wash your hands. Wash hands properly after touching common objects such as door handles, faucets, elevator buttons, and stair rails.
- Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not readily available.
- Avoid touching you unwashed hands to your face, eyes, nose and mouth.
- Cover coughs and sneezed with tissues, then throw away in trash. Or cough and sneeze into your elbow not your hand.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Stay home when you are sick.
General Prevention guidelines for your library building:
- Recognize the symptoms (fever, cough and shortness of breath) and communicate them to the public prominently with signage.
- Make hand sanitizer available to the public in various locations, especially at entrances to the building.
- Clean and disinfect tables and equipment surfaces (copiers, public access computers, toys, etc.) frequently using a cleaning spray or disinfectant wipe.
- Encourage use of book drop off. Disinfect the drop door handles frequently. Mist the books left in the drop with a disinfectant spray prior to handling.
Response Plan
Business as Usual: Library is open to the public for 35 hours a week with staff. Circulation, programming and meeting room space is available. Hand sanitizer is available in multiple locations. Sanitation of hard surfaces occurs daily and adequate supplies are kept on hand.
Level One: This step occurs when a global pandemic has been identified. Staff and public are instructed via signage and discussion about proper hygiene. Supply levels are assessed and necessary purchases are made. Preparation begins for Level Two.
Level two: This step occurs when an outbreak has occurred within the US, but no local cases have been identified. The library increases daily sanitation measures to tl least two times per day. Some library use is restricted, such as:
- Eliminating the borrowing of public headphones
- Enforcing spacing restrictions on public seating ( particularly the computers)
- Requiring gloves for all interlibrary loan staff
- Reducing the amount of toys and materials available in the children’s department
- Cancelling programs of a high risk nature (such as LEGO club)
Increased marketing of the library’s digital service will occur, or trainings outside of the local area at this time.
Level Three: This step occurs when an outbreak has occurred locally. Public assembly will be limited by cancelling all programs, group gatherings, and meeting room use. The library will remain open for circulation and quick browsing. Returned items will be quarantined for a number of days before being handled by staff, and will be wiped down with disinfectant as part of the check in process. Borrowing periods will be extended and late fees will be waived. Interlibrary Loan Services will be discontinued. Information about the service changes will be distributed via email blast to all registered users, social media, website, and other relevant means of communication. Increased marketing about the library’s digital services will continue. Staff are required to stay home if they are feeling unwell.
Level Four: This step occurs when non-essential services are discontinued to the public as determined by local, state, or federal authorities; or, when the number of available staff drops below minimum staffing requirements. The library will cease direct service to the public in person, though digital services will remain functional. All staff will still report to work for a modified schedule in order to work on tasks outside of direct public service. The FOL Inclined to Read Bookstore will also close. Steps will be taken to ensure that key staff (director, district consultant, business manager) can work remotely if Level Five is required.
Level Five: This step occurs when a quarantine of library staff is enforced by local, state, or federal authorities. Library staff will not report to work. The library director will work remotely to complete essential functions on a regular schedule. The business manager will be required to work remotely on payroll and other essential duties on a reduced schedule. The district consultant will be required to work remotely on essential functions if the library director is impacted by the pandemic. Library staff will still be paid for up to 2 months of quarantine.
Input from the board of directors, as well as local, state, and federal authorities will be used to identify which level of service is appropriate. The library may move between levels as necessary, and may need to skip a level depending on the severity of the pandemic.
Meeting Room Policy
Northern Cambria Community Development Corporation
MEETING ROOM POLICY ……………………………………….2020
- The room (# 112) is available to individuals or organized groups in the Northern Cambria service area.
- An application form must be filled out and presented to the Director of the Northern Cambria Public Library by contacting her at the library by calling 948-8222, or emailing,
- The fact that a group is permitted to use the meeting room does not constitute an endorsement of the group’s policies or beliefs by NCCDC.
- Refreshments may be served and must be provided by the group. No alcoholic beverages of any kind are permitted. Users are expected to clean the room prior to leaving.
- No smoking is permitted in the entire facility.
- Walls may not be used for mounting or hanging pictures, displays, or posters, ect. The room must be returned to the original setup.
- There is use of two white boards, and a SMART TV.
- NCCDC or Library Board and staff do not assume any liability for groups or individual using the room for an event.
- Maximum seating is thirty (30) people.
- The meeting room must be used during library hours and must be vacated 15 minutes prior to closing time.
- Meetings held are considered public meetings and open to all wishing to attend subject to health and safety requirement of the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and industry for public gatherings.
- NCCDC or the Library director reserves the right to schedule or alter the schedule according to the needs of NCCDC and the Northern Cambria Public Library. In the event of a cancellation, the group must notify the library as soon as possible.
Users that require a fee to attend, or result in direct profit, sales, promotions or solicitations will be charger Ten Dollars ($10.00) per hour, payable to “NCCDC”.
- Library Programs
- Friends of the Library Programs
- Local government meetings associated with Northern Cambria Borough
- Programs of an Educational, Cultural, Civic or Social Organization
- All others.
Failure to comply with the above rules will be sufficient cause for refusal of future use.
Northern Cambria Community Development Corporation
Meeting Room (#112) Procedures
- An application form must be filled out and presented to the Director of the Northern Cambria Public Library by contacting her at the library by calling 948-8222, or emailing,
- The fact that a group is permitted to use the meeting room does not constitute an endorsement of the group’s policies or beliefs by NCCDC.
- Refreshments may be served and must be provided by the group. No alcoholic beverages of any kind are permitted. Users are expected to clean the room prior to leaving.
- No smoking is permitted in the entire facility.
- Walls may not be used for mounting or hanging pictures, displays, or posters, ect. The room must be returned to the original setup.
- There is use of two white boards, and a SMART TV.
- NCCDC or Library Board and staff do not assume any liability for groups or individual using the room for an event.
- Maximum seating is thirty (30) people.
- The meeting room must be used during library hours and must be vacated 15 minutes prior to closing time.
- Meetings held are considered public meetings and open to all wishing to attend subject to health and safety requirement of the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and industry for public gatherings.
- NCCDC or the Library director reserves the right to schedule or alter the schedule according to the needs of NCCDC and the Northern Cambria Public Library. In the event of a cancellation, the group must notify the library as soon as possible.
- Users that require a fee to attend, or result in direct profit, sales, promotions or solicitations will be charger Ten Dollars ($10.00) per hour, payable to “NCCDC”.
Monday: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Sunday: Closed
Available Amenities
Public Computers
Tours & Group Visits
Printing, Copying, and Scanning
Test Proctoring
Public Restrooms