Computers & Technology


The Beaverdale Public Library has 6 computers available for registered patrons to use. Headsets are available. Patrons are able to bring in their own flash drives to save information. 



Prints and Copies:

Black and White: $0.10 per page plus tax.

Color Copies: $1.00 per page plus tax.




Fax Service:

$1.00 for first page and $.75 for each additional copy, plus tax.

Computer Use Rules

  1. You must sign in at the librarian’s desk before using computers.
  2. No food or drinks allowed in the library at any time.
  3. No profanity.
  4. One person at the computer at a time.
  5. No inappropriate or pornographic material on computers.
  6. Noise and voices must be kept at a minimum!

Patrons may be asked to leave and may have additional computer use privileges revoked if they are unable to comply with the computer use policy. 

Resources & Tools

Reach Us

P.O. Box 606
506 Jefferson Avenue
Beaverdale, PA 15921

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